Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A new order

Hi everyone!
Recently I've completed an order for a lovely friend of mine. We went to same camps when we were younger and generally saw each other much more often than we do now. Life kind of got in the way, we got married and live in different states. Thankfully, there are a lot more ways to connect now and we did just that. Do you have any friends that you miss? Try to find them today, it will put a smile on your face. =)
Here are some pictures, I hope you enjoy them.
P.S. I'am currently working on revamping my old bathroom mirror, I hope it comes out the way I see it in my head =)  I will post pictures once I am done.
These are cold porcelain roses , they are about the size of a quarter and are on pins. 

This is a fabric flower clip, I made it using 3 different shades of the same color

This is a kanzashi pin for hair.

Hydrangea flowers made from cold porcelain. 

A brooch made from satin ribbon, netting and river and glass pearls. 

Little rose pins made from satin ribbon, they are just as sweet as my friend is. 

A headband with fabric flowers, I tried going for something exotic and sweet. 

A stretchy headband with a ribbon rose. 

A stretchy headband with a bow.

Friday, July 6, 2012

It's hot outside!

We've had crazy weather this summer, it's either raining days on end or it's blazing heat and humidity. All the while, I'm trying new things. Here is a new technique I'm working on while using cold porcelain. I hope you like it. These are not quite finished yet as they lack some greenery but I'm very exited and wanted to show you what these roses look like. I hope you like them.
Cold Porcelain Roses

Cold Porcelain Roses

Cold Porcelain Roses

Cold Porcelain Roses

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter!

This is one of my favorite Holidays! I just love what Jesus has done to save us! He is Risen!
Marking the occasion I made  two hairpieces, one made of fabric for my little darling daughter and the other one made for me out of my new favorite material cold porcelain. I hope you enjoy the pictures!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring is Coming!

It's March, which means pretty soon it will get warm and flowers will bloom. Meanwhile, I have a few things blooming at my house, a couple of which I wanted to show you. I made these hair clips for my darling daughter.